Monday, September 8, 2014

AD (American Delivery) by Lups

Now, here is the post I've tried to work on for a long, long time. I'm sorry, I kind of like writing, so this will be a long one again.

As told before, this was my midlife crises, beginning at least. I dealt with police, I dealt with sheriffs, hell I survived the gas stations. I felt alone on the roads. I got to see America. What I learned was this.

Birth control is an issue here. I had to find a 14 year old girl crying next to Peter, because she had just found out she was expecting one. No one had told her the shit needed, and no was around to help her. Her mother according to her, was going to be a grandmother at the respectable age of 37.That was a hit for me personally since I believe in women having options and also letting children be kids for as long as possible.If you read this and you lost my number, but not the blog, I'm still willing to help with it all, A, Pm me some way, I'll sort it out. That's what I do in my real life.

I saw beauty in nature, I saw true beauty in people. I saw stupidity in many areas, but I saw real humans in the mix we from Europe just see as scum under our shoes. I saw love. I felt it too.

I made new friends. I made many of them. The Piano standard was mentioned before, but I have now two new people who know that I will help them with anything that will come along in life. Better yet for me, I can count on them too.

I saw diversity, I learned to hate my too white skin and I learned how to piss off the Koreans. That is easy, just drive an M4 through a storm of bugs and send them a photo saying you and Peter went for a Korean diet. It would be racist but since I respect any of those of those, it's just me being me.

I saw my future, I saw my past and I saw the most stupid things I've ever seen. America offered what was asked. I for one loved every damn minute of it, and as a conclusion I can only offer, that I've judged you on the basis of the idiots who come to Europe and eat without a knife in their hands, and the Washington crew.

                                                     I saw true love, I fell in love.
                                                              I felt being loved.
                                                      What I saw, will not go away:   
                                                          What is real, it is forever.

Now the serious part being over, and I could write that shit for hours, but I spared you from it and moved on. No Pm's needed to thank me for that, you have my email if I want your comment, otherwise wall it is as usual.

This was supposed to be Lups notes in full, it never got anything reasonable written to it about the car I bought.What I learned about Peter is that he is not perfect by far. He is like I am. He goes off fast, and he can be controlled if enough of an ass is behind the wheel. He and I work on low revs, and we bloody hell smoke everyone who think we are here for the pose. The photo below was taken after washing him and I wanted to share the good results. Like I, he went to show me my place.

Rag came back out, and I had words with tires later. I won, Peter is a nice boy when Mum is mad.

I look like shit. Peter looks like shit, but the clouds are perfect. I stand by my words, LBH is is a way to think what to do next.

This is how we see from Europe see America. Straight road,, and  a bend just to make someone wake up. What I learned is that we are not wrong, but we also are snobs in ways that made me feel bad. Just talk to the real people, they do not drive M's but they will make it worth while.

 I learned that in modding, strength matters for shit, it's  skills only world. I had none but beer as a bribe, or even better getting some and letting the hubby laugh at me, got him help me when I went ape.Rest of the mods will happen in secret and probably the labor will be outsourced. No way in hell can my ego take that disaster again.

It is no Golden Gate. But for me, it was more beautiful. 
Yes, I know, in the middle of the lanes! I drive like an ass, how is that news?

You know guys,  you are lucky, this could've been a blog about me and a Prius.

When I took this shot, it was to apologize to a loved one. It ended up it meaning a new beginning, and also it gave me a picture to show you, that the readers did good and I loved the attitude I got. I got very little shit for this blog and I appreciate it. I loved sharing this all with you.

Greg from Oregon, you will have an entire lecture ahead of you about architectural America. This photo took work. The people in my hotel actually scouted routes for me to take Peter near the arch, constructions going around it atm. I wanted you to still to know, that I appreciated the input you do every day. It made my way around beautiful and even though that is the Finnish input to this continent, I think as a way for us to do it, it indeed is a way for me to learn from. Thanks for the work. Lets do the meet.

To me, these moments were the reasons to do this all. I had a beautiful beast under me, a view and most of all, the beast told me about my fuckups. Guys, My way rocks. Truly, if someone wants to go wild, I'll do as my best friend did for me, and I'll be your hotel booking assistant. Trust me, either of us had no idea where I'd land for the night. I told him when I was done for the night, and he googled according to my location the nearest Lups approved ( yes, a bitch with standards) hotel. 

THIS HAPPENED ON A CLOSED TRACK LIKE WITH EVERYONE ELSE. After that nannies went off, I didn't feel like taking the camera out again, and after the side winds killed my ego, this actually was the only speed run photo to show you.
 (yes, I had to call a friend to ask how. Fu Karussell for making me look bad in every turn!) 

162 is what I've done in Peter, and as mentioned above, it of course was not on a road. I have proof of that to offer though, thanks to the boys in blue.

Dude. In some butt fucked city. in a middle of a field. and not even pointing the right way? Adult in me modded that a little and I'm sure it'll be posted here if someone sees the mods ever. 

This is how the nights ended. Laptop, bed, usually IRC or the bloody post I'm hooked on, and most of all, hotels. 

The morning after. Coffee. Coffee. Coffee. Water. Hating life.

Real horse power. Just go see Little Big Horn. Do a day. Do a search. Do a commitment. That place showed me the true meaning of what I've thought of myself. I might grow up a bit after this, but as usual, I'm not holding my breath. Working on it though. 

 This is what Peter II gets to keep. Okay, I own up to the tent and the sleeping bag in the trunk, but I can't give those away to the kids yet. In the back of Peter, if I have not played with the brakes again, you can find a fish hat from Yellowstone. Peter the III (I'm taking your idea Tacoma, a pole (I think that word went stripper on me, but anyway, written before coffee and no alcohol was involved sadly) will be done with the name), will have a lot to carry along just to keep all the memories alive and with me.

        Yes, I'm back, Back again, back in real life.  My dog did not get me out of shopping by bringing us a duck for dinner. I did not bother to be bothered to correct the ladies telling me I should tell him to come to me, since I do not speak English at all and I do blank stare better than anyone. Lups. She or he if you have not met me, I'll take the title he also; car geeks are always male as we all know, is not going to play by the rules of others.

                                              This blog is now a complete one.

                                           I shared the reasons to write it.
                                                             I wrote it.

The only photos of me in the last 11 years are in it. This all was me. Completely.

Off I go to new adventures, Canada in the summer of 2015, and maybe an ED in between. 

As an edit I have to say writing as tired I was yesterday made the editing this hell as usual. Sorry.

The road back to normal life.

I've had hard time writing these two last entries, since truth to be told, I do not want the blog to end. It has indeed been so much fun to share with you all the stupid shit I've done, and I'll probably do a Christmas special for my friends by letting them read the take outs. I just went through the posts, and maybe 10% of the stuff written actually made it to the blog. I'm not happy about that, that means a lot of shit was left out, and I'll probably correct those a little and mail them to the those, who liked this shit. to get those, pm's will not work, just put it on the wall as usual. Finnish Joe, you got an road rage entry, Greg from Oregon, you have a lot of shit about buildings coming your way, mods have shit about them clean up the shit, since I know I deserve the bs I get and so on.

So. As usual I try not to be deep in the last posts, but I have to say, that the feedback has been wonderful. Probably 20 people have read this shit, and by entries, all probably Bimmerpost crew. It's nice to know that so many knows now not to piss of the bitch in the gay looking hornet.

Today I went to the Griot's Garage day, and SO many people came to me to tell me they loved the blog, and that they laughed their heads off reading this. I swore to the old dude there, I'd finish this, so I will do that now then.

Two things happened this weekend that made me rewrite this one completely.  This won't be deep stuff, so even the comic book readers will be able to follow.

So. First was that a lovely girl that works on my Starbucks (yes, mine, get the fuck out of the left lane, and from there) asked me where the kids where, and I told her they were home with the dad of theirs. "Oh, he must love them more than you do".

I had to ask her how so, and her answer was well they are not with you, and you just were a month away from them, how can you? Well, here is the answer.

I work about 20 hours per day. No, I don't hoover, I don't do laundry, but I teach the kids stuff, and I am moving on with my own projects, and after all that, I go and try to make Peter's gas money. When the dear old hubby hobby comes home, I go do the shopping, dispense money by feeding those no one else cares for, and go walk the idiot Jack Russell just to keep me sane for the next match, which in my case is known as the school run. I love my life, that's why I do the things I do.

Now, I gave that as the answer, and the poor girl folded. "Well, in America, men never look after the kids, you are too free for our liking." Again, as said before, Fuck you girls are idiots. Have a life, the pups will be fine, and even more so if you stop pampering them.

The second one was at the meet today. This really young, maybe 25 year old boy spent some time with Peter, we talked with the group of his friends, and one of them said I ruin American women for them, and I asked how so, since I've heard those words once before in my life. He said, and I quote: "You just do the things you want to do, and nothing gets in your way."

Well he was wrong, left lane slow speed idiots get in my way, but in life I follow simple guide line: I'm here for a heat beat. I will be gone soon, not all of me if the memory stays. If I can make a tiny difference, it's good.

Life is supposed to be fun. Let's take it as that. A long ago I took myself seriously, and that was boring. Nowadays I laugh with the world, and most mornings wake up happy.

Now, after this, I will write up America. Then this blog is done. Next time around it will be the ED of the F80 I'm trying to sell to the married party as the family transport, or it it could be a bitter divorce blog about how men just know nothing about cars. From me, who never counted the seat belts, this will end up anyway as a chapter of fuckups in my life.